Check your device IMEI compatibility
Have questions about device IMEI compabatibility? Check our FAQs below:
1) compatible with the network
2) paid in full
3) unlocked.
Make sure your phone is paid in full:
After you've verified compatibility with our network, you need to determine if your device is paid off? If not, you'll need to finish paying off your phone before switching to Reach.
Ensure your device is unlocked:
You'll know your device is unlocked if you specifically purchased an unlocked device or if the phone that you're using was unlocked in the past (due to switching from another network). If you're unsure if your device is unlocked (or if you think it is but want to be 100% certain), you can always contact your carrier and ask them to unlock your phone. It can take up to 2-3 days for the unlock to be successful.